RAKU RAKU LED BEAM(Made in Taiwan)---Patented
Pollen Measures Goods (a phototherapy device)
Clinically tested
Benefits :
Assesses the therapeutic effect of low energy dual chip narrow band red light photography
on nasal clinic symptoms of allergy rhinitis.
Reduces the symptoms of hay fever.
There are no known side effects when using RAKU RAKU LED BEAM.
How to use :
The RAKU RAKU LED BEAM can be used more than 3 times a day without side effects.
One touch operation. ( 3 - 4 minutes treatment / each session )
Products :
Portable for traveling.(Unit size - 5 x 4.5 x 7.8 cm )
Two LED Tubes---657nm Beam & 940±10nm Beam
Built in timer for auto off.
Operated by one 9V battery
CE Certificate:
Clinically tested.
CE Certificate#:2006-OSL-MDD-0502 Rev.1.0
GMP Registration #:002480 ( Taiwan )
ISO Certificate#:ISO13485
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